How Does Pixy2 Communicate?
- Pixy2 is pretty versatile when it comes to connecting through different interfaces.
- It can communicate via serial methods like SPI, I2C, and UART, or you can also use USB—though there are some limitations if you want to go the analog digital route.
- If you’re opting for USB, just remember that it usually needs an operating system to work, and you’ll want to use the libpixy2 library, much like what you’d do with a Raspberry Pi or BeagleBone Black.
- And just a heads up: among all these options, USB is your go-to for the fastest communication speed!.
What are the fastest communication options for microcontrollers?
- When it comes to speedy communication, USB really takes the crown as the fastest option out there.
- If you’re using Pixy2 with an Arduino, SPI follows closely behind, reaching speeds of up to 2 MHz.
- Now, if you’re working with another microcontroller that doesn’t support USB, don’t fret! SPI is still your go-to for that high-speed vibe.
- On the other hand, UART offers decent speeds ranging from 19,200 bps to 125,000 bps.
- And if you’re looking for flexibility, I2C might be the better choice for connections.
- Just remember, since UART and I2C speed levels are pretty similar, it all boils down to your specific needs in each scenario..
How do you set up the Piximon interface?
- Setting up the Piximon interface is super easy! First, just click on the gear icon to get started.
- Then, dive into the Piximon document and locate the interface tab; this is where you’ll find all the juicy details on how data is outputted, covering everything from Arduino and ICPI to SPI and I2C.
- Oh, and even though the Lego I2C is mentioned, we won’t go into that here.
- On the back of the Pixy, you’ll spot a pin header with an RX pin and an SPI pin that work as Master In and Slave Out pins.
- Plus, there’s a pin for 5V input or output—pin 3 is your SPI clock pin, and pin 4 is for SPI Master Out Slave In.
- Easy peasy!.
What Are UART and I2C Pin Definitions?
- Alright, let’s break down the pin definitions for UART and I2C.
- So, the UART interface has a TX pin, which is super important for transmitting data.
- Over on pin 5, you’ve got the I2C clock pin, which helps keep everything in sync.
- Don’t overlook pin 6, and just for your reference, pin 7 is set aside as the SPI slave select pin.
- For I2C, pin 9 is your data pin, called SDA, and you can power pin 10 with anywhere from 6 to 10 volts.
- If you’re looking to control a servo motor via the SPI protocol, make sure to use pins 1, 3, and 4 for communication..
How Does SPI Communication Use Slave Select?
- When it comes to SPI communication, there’s usually a slave select pin involved.
- In this case, it’s hooked straight to the Arduino, making things super easy to connect.
- What’s cool about this setup is that it actually uses that slave select pin , giving you a little more control while chatting with other SPIs.
- Plus, you’ll want to remember that this setup uses four pins instead of the usual three, specifically pins one, three, four, and seven.
- So, it’s pretty straightforward and opens up more options for managing your SPI communication..
What are I²C and UART Connections?
- Alright, let’s dive into I²C and UART connections! When you’re working with I²C, all you really need are just two pins: SDA and SCL, which are specifically pins five and nine on your setup.
- If you’re looking to connect multiple devices, you can set a specific address to hook up up to 127 devices , but just a heads-up – if you’re using a Pixy2, it has a fixed address that limits you to just one.
- Now, when it comes to the UART interface, you’ll need another pair of pins: TX and RX, which are pins one and four.
- Plus, don’t forget you can play around with the baud rate by tweaking the settings in the configuration window!.
How Does Pixy2 Handle Analog Outputs?
- So, let’s talk about how the Pixy2 handles its analog outputs! It gives you these cool analog digital X and analog digital Y readings, which show the coordinates for the biggest object it recognizes.
- But here’s the catch: it only has one analog output pin, which is pin 8.
- This means you can only monitor one coordinate at a time.
- To keep things organized, pin one is there to let you know if it successfully recognized something or not, and the voltage you’re dealing with ranges from 0 to 3.3V.
- This voltage acts like an analog input to figure out the size of the coordinates.
- Just keep in mind, since there’s only that one analog output pin, you’ll need to choose whether you want to track X or Y in the settings..
What is Coordinate and Protocol Overview?
- Alright, let’s break down how the system operates regarding coordinates and protocols.
- First off, it gives you the X and Y coordinates of the biggest object that Pixy2 picks up.
- If you see a high pin one, it means it’s recognized; a low pin means it missed it.
- Now, when the voltage hits 0 V, X is all the way to the left, and at 3.3 V, it slides to the right.
- The same goes for Y : 0 V is at the bottom, and 3.3 V takes it to the top.
- Moving on to serial protocols like SPI, I2C, and UART, they each have their own ways of communicating, but their protocols are quite similar.
- Typically, the packet structure has two fixed headers and a response with some slight variations, including hex values like AE and AF.
- Lastly, don’t forget about that checksum, which is a 16-bit value coming right after the data length and is the total of all the data bytes that follow..
What are Version Requests and Responses?
- Let’s dive into how version requests and responses work! A version request kicks off with a hex value, either A2 or C1, and then it has a version request type of 14, which is actually 2 in hexadecimal.
- Since there’s no additional data, the data length is zero.
- When the response rolls in, it appears as AFC1, with a response type of 15 (which is F in hexadecimal) and a data length of 16 (that’s 10 in hexadecimal).
- Don’t forget about the checksum—it’s a 16-bit value that’s crucial for making sure your data is valid, so double-check it before you proceed.
- The first two bytes? They reveal the hardware version.
- The next pair shows the firmware version, while the remaining bytes break down the firmware details in ASCII.
- Stick around for the next session where I’ll explain the protocol in more detail and dive into serial communication!.